FAQs: Canadian Rockies Transportation

One of the most important components of any travel experience is transportation, getting from point A to point B. Here are our most frequently asked questions about Rocky Mountaineer train trips and transportation.

What airport should I fly into and out of for my Rocky Mountaineer train trip?

All but one Rocky Mountaineer train package either begins or ends in Vancouver, British Columbia, so you will probably fly into or out of Vancouver. (YVR). If you are doing a one way train trip, then your trip will probably begin in Vancouver and end in Calgary (YYC).

Since the train does not begin or end in Calgary, how do I get between the Canadian Rockies and Calgary?

There is an airport shuttle from Calgary airport to Banff National Park, Lake Louise and Jasper. The shuttle to Banff leaves the airport several times a day. There are two shuttle companies: Brewster Express and Banff Airporter. However, in most cases your Rocky Mountaineer package includes transportation between Banff or Lake Louise and Calgary downtown or Calgary airport, so most likely you don’t have to book it separately. The transfer takes about two hours.

Can I add a rental car to my package? Do I need a special Drivers License to drive in Canada?

You can add a rental car to any trip you book with Rocky Mountaineer; however, some of our packages come with a car and others come with tours that take you from place to place. Be sure to ask us if you’re in doubt about the transportation included in your trip. And No, you don’t need an international Drivers License to drive in Canada. Your local Drivers License is all you need.

What side of the road do cars drive on in Canada?

Cars in Canada drive on the right side of the road, the same as cars in the United States. If you’re coming from the UK or Australia, you’ll want to get used to driving on the right side of the road, which is the wrong side of the road from your perspective.

Is it difficult to drive in the Rockies?

When most of us think about driving in the mountains, we think of narrow, winding roads that cling to the sides of mountains . But driving in the Rockies is not like that. You drive through the mountains but you aren’t in them. I don’t know how to explain it but take a look at the picture at the top of this page. That’s what the highway between Jasper National Park and Banff National Park look like. No tiny, windy, narrow roads. It’s the best kind of mountain driving: all the scenery without the anxiety.

I want to drive my own car to Vancouver. Is there someplace I can park it while I’m on the train?

Yes. You can leave your car in the locked and monitored parking lot at the Rocky Mountaineer train station located at 1755 Cottrell Street in Vancouver. Just let us know in advance so we can be expecting you.